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Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2009-12-11
tensjometr SIGMA702ET do pomiarów napiecia powierzchniowego olejów transformatorowych
SIGMA 702ET to tensjometr siłowy dedykowany pomiarom napiecia miedzyfazowego olejów transformatorowych zgdonie z normami ASTM D971 i IEC 60422

Sigma 702 & 702et
Sigma 702 and Sigma 702et are standalone force tensiometers offering high resolution and precision for surface and interfacial tension measurements, as well as non-automatic cmc determination. Results
are displayed on a large integrated digital screen. Precise temperature control can be ensured by the integrated water-jacketed vessel holder. The open design and convenient control keyboard operations make Sigma 702 and 702et extremely easy to use instruments. Sigma 702et is specifically
designed for oil-water interfacial tension measurements in line with astm and iec standards. Software specifically designed for oil-water measurements is provided with the Sigma 702et. Both can be connected to an external pc for additional data storage and simple reporting. Data collection software
is provided with the instrument

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