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Powrót do kalendarium Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2011-01-17
Biomarkers World Europe 2011
Biomarkers World Europe 2011
17-20.05.2011, The Olympia Conference Centre

Biomarkers World Europe 2011 is Europe’s largest gathering of biomarker professionals who will come together to answer the all important question- how can we get biomarkers to add value? It is a two day strategic conference which will provide participants with a thorough review of the use of Biomarkers, their effectiveness and their potential to transform R & D.

Come to Biomarkers World Europe and learn:
* How to support target identification and eliminate dead-end candidates
* How to understand the range of biomarker candidates
* How to create sophisticated animal models of human disease to develop biomarkers for proof-of pharmacology
* How to facilitate clinical trial stratification and employ early surrogate end points of efficacy
* How to define the correlation between biomarker and disease/therapeutic intervention
* How to develop fit-for-purpose biomarker assays
* How to show the clinical utility of biomarkers to improve diagnosis and make informed decision making

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Z życia branży

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